The city of Castiel offers countless opportunities as it grows in stature in the north. The markets thrive and the guilds prosper. Sometimes it is hard to remember the little people that make these things possible, to include a modest scrivener working away in his private shop. Thankfully, his overprotective sister would not let that happen. When she stopped by for her weekly visit, she discovered he has been missing for the last couple days. Frantic with concern, she reaches out for help.
The Disappearing Scrivener is a Q-Adventure, or Quick-Adventure, that can be run for a group of four to six players with 1st-level characters. The adventure takes place in the city of Castiel. The runtime is about 4 hours and is Investigation Themed.
Need a starting adventure? The Disappearing Scrivener is a great one-session or two adventure that offers a gentle start into a campaign for beginners and helps to add some interesting personalities for later stories.
Included are a VTT maps for use.
*** The is in PDF format, downloads upon purchase.