Tak’s Rest stands among the few settlements in the surrounding valleys nearest the city of Castiel to blossom into a flourishing town after the Empire’s annexation of the kingdom. Sitting on the Rebrett River, offering a barge service to cross, Tak’s Rest is a central waypoint for passing traders and traveling adventurers.
Tak’s Rest is a Location and Map Supplement for use with The Chronicles of Ballidrous Campaign Setting or a setting of your choosing. This product offers a functional town with supporting maps and details about the town and surrounding community: including 39 maps, 30 quick-reference NPCs, and material to shorten prep time.
Map and Location supplements aid the Dungeon Master in worldbuilding and having material at their fingertips. TAk's Rest includes these locations:
- Tak's Rest Inn
- Common Hall
- Fat Kat Brewery
- Town Market
- Townhall
- Temple of the Old Gods
- Wheat Farm
- Memorial
- Shrine of the Howling Larks
- Ember's Lodge - Currier Station
- Blade's Outpost
- Fort Mazek
Plenty of material to pillage!
*** The is in PDF format, downloads upon purchase.