Sapphires are among the more illustrious gemstones found in the earth’s deeper recesses. They can signify a king’s status or be the trophy of a coveted dragon horde. One’s eye is drawn to its many dazzling facets, then lost in the mesmerizing rapture found within. But they can also harbor wickedness when intended. Such was the fate of the Sapphire of Krashi’ite, the prison to a deceitful fiend. The stone’s origin has been lost in time, as with a warning to those who would dare touch this nefarious gem. Recently, a band of bugbears acquired the sapphire and will soon fall prey to its greatest desire – freedom.
Cracked Facets is a Q-Crawl, or Quick-Crawl, that can be run for a group of four to six
players with 11th-level characters. This crawl would be considered a ‘medium’ to ‘hard’ encounter.
Q-Encounters are designed to drop into your game where needed. They are meant to add flavor to a campaign, giving a little depth to a combat encounter.
Included is a VTT map for use.
*** The is in PDF format, downloads upon purchase.